Recently, when people asked me why I signed up for a university certificate program in copy editing, my surface answer was the same: because I can. I had the aptitude—evidenced by a degree in Writing Seminars, a few publications under my belt as an author, and a few more as a technical editor.
The wheel stand is plywood. The face is 1/8 maple. The stopping pegs are Lite Brite pegs, found in many basements and on eBay. We cut the extra off in the back to make them smooth.
Here's a birthday present for a music lover who especially likes violin and piano. The finished box is about 8 inches tall.
Friend Frankie Joe goes to the Pyrotechnics Guild International Convention. In 2018 it was held in Mason City, Iowa, and the theme was Thunder and Fire. There's an art show at the convention, and Frank commissioned two pieces to enter.
Found a photo style room divider at a yard sale. Removed the photos and glass and replaced them with acrylic engraved with dragons.
Erasmus means "beloved." His parents will most likely call him Raz. Understanding the impermanence of all things, the Dad-to-be requested a skull on a black background for the baby blanket.
Here's a photograph of the day that Ellee met Chammy. To commemorate the meeting, I designed an ornament using Photoshop and Illustrator.